What's in a Lamb Share?

The table below shows the approximate hanging weight, boxed (packaged) weight and cut weights you will receive from an average size lamb.

Final hanging weight can vary from 40 to 80 lbs depending on the size of the animal that is assigned to your order, so your hanging and boxed weights will be slightly higher or lower than what is shown in the box below.

IMPORTANT: We are required by the Washington State Department to charge by live weight, which we then convert to hanging weight. Boxed (packaged/take home) weight will be lower than the hanging weight due to moisture loss, cutting away bone and other factors.

To better understand the weights we use to calculate cost, read our blog Know Your Weights.


Whole: $960 (60 lbs hanging weight/43 lbs boxed weight)
Half: $510 (30 lbs hanging weight/21.5 lbs boxed weight)

*Figures are in pounds.

**Whole and half lambs are not customizable, but we do offer the option to grind the entire order.